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TEFLPros online teaching tips
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TEFL work home from ideas

Need Work From Home Ideas? Why Not Teach?


TEFL work home from ideas


The uncertainty that surrounds us leaves us asking ourselves ‘will work from home be the new normal?’ However, perhaps the question isn’t ‘Will work from home become the norm?’ but whether it’s even possible. For TEFL teachers, the dream of permanently working from home is very real.


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As the CoVID19 quarantine drags on, we’re all beginning to ask ourselves about viable work from home ideas. 

With uncertainty surrounding lockdown and furlough, you may start to worry about finances and ensuring your family has income. Online jobs like teaching English can help to ease those concerns. 

However, when exploring online freelance job ideas, a lack of expertise or qualifications may feel like a barrier. If you don’t have a degree or have only ever worked outside the home, you may not know where to start.

Luckily, 2021 offers a plethora of opportunities to retrain and pivot your career. So why not consider online teaching?

TEFLPros facilitates your move into online teaching with our award-winning online TEFL course. Give our course a try with our free 2-day TEFL program, available now!


2021 Work From Home Ideas: What Work From Home Jobs Are There with a TEFL?


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One of the major benefits of holding a TEFL certificate is its diverse applications. While most people think TEFL teachers only teach abroad, your TEFL certification is ideal for teaching online.

The term ‘teaching online’ is broad within itself. It is often thought that online English teaching refers only to children learning English. However, there are a plethora of setups for online teaching — simply find the online teaching format that suits you.

For those looking to teach children, you’ll find the opportunity for both one-on-one lessons, as well as group classes. If you work for a company, often you won’t have to prepare any work, you simply log on and teach what’s provided.

If you are looking to go it alone, teachers can also find online private English tutoring positions. You can organize these through your own network, using Zoom or Skype to teach. Alternatively, you’ll find lots of tutor marketplaces.

Not everyone is interested in teaching kids. Your TEFL course will also qualify you to teach adults and even specialty courses such as business English. Many companies need their staff to speak better English, so why not offer commercial training and coaching? You can either set up a consultancy yourself or find an online language company selling EFL business services.

If you’re not keen to teach face-to-face, why not dedicate your time to growing a passive income by building English training materials? Some TEFL teachers use their TEFL qualification to build online EFL courses to sell on platforms like Udemy. 

Alternatively, you could create and sell English language activity books, worksheets, and teacher resources to other EFL teachers.


2021 Work From Home Ideas: Where Can I Work From Home with a TEFL?

By completing a TEFL certification, you become qualified to teach English online in a whole rainbow of settings.

One of the most popular work from home teaching positions that TEFL graduates find is within an online language school or business. Many companies offer standardized curriculums to EFL students. 

These companies will pay you an hourly rate to teach this curriculum to the kids (or adults) with gusto. The company you work for will determine whether you’re teaching one-to-one or to a group.

Alternatively, if you’d like to sell your services straight up, you can try to clinch online EFL tutor positions through teaching marketplaces, like Verbling, First Tutors, or Take Lessons. TEFL teachers also find private EFL students on Craigslist, through forums like Couchsurfing, and via private websites.

If you believe a commercial setting is more your vibe, use your TEFL to teach business English via EFL learning platforms like Lingoda and Learnlight

If you’re feeling entrepreneurial, taking the TEFLPros course can help you set up your own language school or English language consulting business. With a basic website, a little social media marketing, and our full certification course behind you, you’ll be one step closer to running your own EFL business from home.


Surely a TEFL is for Teaching Abroad. Are Work From Home Jobs Really Worth It?


working form home TEFL


You’d be right in thinking that a TEFL certificate opens up doors for you abroad. However, teaching abroad isn’t the only reason to take a TEFL.

From those looking to work from home, online teaching offers a viable income stream to keep you afloat during these confusing times and in the future to come. It’s pretty common for online teachers to earn between $200-500 a week. Whether you’re living in an apartment in Bangkok or a suburb of London, that’s a great rate.

Not only that, online teaching also gives you all the stellar perks of working from home. Online EFL teachers choose their own hours and enjoy flexibility in scheduling. Not only does this mean you can work to fit around your life, it also means you can increase and decrease your income when needed. 

That’s the real value in online teaching. It’s a work from home job that suits everybody.

If you’re looking for work from home ideas as a parent, an expat, or even as a second job, teaching English online is a worthy candidate!

And what really makes EFL teaching so special, is the value it provides your students. If you’re tempted to pivot away from a stuffy office environment, why not consider a pursuit that gives something back by helping further global education.


Can Work From Home Jobs Be Permanent with a TEFL?


work from home ideas TEFL


The uncertainty that surrounds us leaves us asking ourselves ‘will work from home be the new normal?’

However, perhaps the question isn’t ‘Will work from home become the norm?’ but whether it’s even possible.

For TEFL teachers, the dream of permanently working from home is very real.

While this pandemic has been a crisis, it has taught us a thing or two about working from home. Thanks to the advancements of technology, now it’s easy to work remotely, manage your time efficiently, and earn on a flexible schedule.

In this sense, embarking on a quality TEFL program could be your first step toward permanently working from home as an online teacher.


Work From Home Ideas: How Much Can I Earn Online with a TEFL?

The salary for an online TEFL teacher varies depending on the format in which you’re teaching.

On the surface, those working for online EFL schools can earn between $12-25. Some schools offer higher amounts and reward you for selling extra products or meeting goals.

Private tutors set their own fees and this often depends on the country from which the child comes. You’ll find that Chinese and Korean students are willing to pay high fees for tutoring sessions, with some one-to-one teachers pulling over $50 an hour.

For those teaching EFL to businesses and corporate teams, you’ll find that earnings sit at around $40-$50. This also varies and depends on whether you’re working with an agency.




Get Started With Your FREE 2-Day TEFL Training

Online teaching is a fulfilling, diverse, and worthwhile career path for anyone looking to make a difference around the world. However, right now, working from home seems like a great option to future-proof your income.

Take the TEFLPros free 2-day TEFL training to start your online teaching journey today. Make money from home, work hours that suit you, and help to educate the world all at once.


Get Our 2-Day TEFL Course Now

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